Artist : GACKT
Title (Single) : 白露-HAKURO-
Release Date : 2012.10.10
GACKT - Hakuro
内容紹介 :
GACKTが待望のニュー・シングルを緊急発売!! 大ヒットゲーム「戦国BASARA」が実写化されたテレビドラマ「戦国BASARA-MOONLIGHT PARTY-」テーマソング収録。GACKTが作詞作曲を行った渾身作!!
After singing the theme song for the Dragon Age animated film, Gackt now lends his musical talent to the live-action drama Sengoku Basara – Moonlight Party with his 42nd single. The powerful rock tune is composed and written by the rock star himself! In addition to the drama theme song, the single includes Jyonetsu no Inazuma as B-side track.
1. 白露-HAKURO-
2. 情熱のイナズマ
3. 白露-HAKURO- (Instrumental)
4. 情熱のイナズマ (Instrumental)
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